How can the ANA benefit your nursing career?

What is the ANA? 
      The American Nursing Association (ANA) is a well-known institution, with nurse-centered principles. The mission statement of the organization states the following: “Nurses advancing our profession to improve health for all”. 

     The ANA bylaws establish two main purposes that are to work for the improvement of health standards and the availability of healthcare services for all people and to foster high standards of care for nursing” (ANA, 2017). Additional purposes are outlined. The ANA is leading change in the healthcare industry by engaging nurses and transforming nursing care.  

Issues of concern for the ANA? 
The ANA is concerned with current healthcare related topics involving multiple aspects of nursing and public wellbeing.  Mental health, primary care shortages and the Zika virus represent current topics of interest that have emerged as a result of present public and nursing events. Additionally, federal issues such as reducing gun violence, nursing shortage, environmental health and workplace safety are pressing issues on the ANA agenda. 

Monetary aspect  
            The ANA continuously advocates for nurses’ wellbeing and career progression all over the United States continued support is encouraged among ANA members. On their annual report for the year 2017, the ANA stated that 50% of their operating revenue for that year resulted from membership dues and only 8% of that revenue resulted from contributions and grants (ANA, 2018). There is no doubt that nurses are the driving force behind such a prestigious institution. Additionally, the report disclosed a 13% rise in nurse members’ support in 2017 compared to 2016, totaling about $270,000 for that year. 

How can a membership help advance your nursing career? 
Nursing organizations, such as the ANA provide great opportunities for nurses to take advantage of. First, they create a sense of community among nurses, which is further established by networking and annual conventions. Second, professional nursing organizations can assist with certification, allowing nurses to stay up to date with their documents and possess the most recent data (Greggs, 2005). Third, nurses can request career assistance, which includes reviewing salaries, job opportunities, benefits and more. Lastly, education is the most valuable resources that nurses can acquire from a nursing organization, allowing them to stay current in their field to provide the best care for their patients.

American Nurses Association. (2017). Bylaws. Retrieved from

American Nurses Association. (2018). Annual Report. Retrieved from

Greggs-Mcquilkin, D. (2005). Why join a professional nursing organization? Nursing, 35, 19.


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